Historical garden gnomes never reached Americauntil after World War Two, when plastic gnomes began to be popular there in thefifties. During that time, a lot of cultural icons made their debut in Americanhomes, including figurines of famous cats, dogs, and Elvis. As plastic becameless expensive, it began to be included more in American gardens. Plasticgnomes first became a mascot as well. Since the fifties, garden gnomes havebecome a popular symbol of the American dream. Many Americans have agnome statue in their yard, representing the spirit of the American way oflife. Some garden gnome figurines are also made of metal and resin, with uniquefinishes and colors to compliment the American landscape. Another common gnomefigurine is one that stands on a scale model of an actual American street orroad. These types of figurines are particularly popular among American women,who enjoy collecting small things about the world and its culture. Today,garden gnomes still enjoy a strong place in American society. They are oftenseen as protective protectors of properties and lawns, guarding the gardens.They are also used to celebrate important events like weddings and graduations.If you want to purchase traditional and historical gnomes, you can visit Gnomefor You website. This online store offers different types of traditionalgnomes.